Some things just need to be written in English. And this post, that has to be read with the soundtrack you’re seeing above, is one of them. So now go and click play.
I was raised up believing I was somehow unique
Like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes, unique in each way you can see
and I’ve rarely felt like I belonged to the country I was born in, and I’ve often felt misplaced among the people I grew up with.
But I travelled a lot, and the more I travelled, the more I felt like there was actually other ways I could live my life, and I was feeling very lucky all the time.
I think now I finally start to see what my life will look like: I know what I want. I know that I’m tired of people who get scared by a tattooed person. I’m tired of narrow-minded people who judge you by the clothes you’re wearing.
I want to be surrounded by people who understand that in the end life is one and you have to enjoy it to the fullest, respecting the environment who’s kindly hosting you for a while.
I want to be surrounded by people who love and respect animals and are not afraid of spiders just because they’re not fluffy soft creatures. I’m feeling just like I felt after this trip,
If I know only one thing, it’s that everything that I see
Of the world outside is so inconceivable often I barely can speak
Yeah I’m tongue-tied and dizzy and I can’t keep it to myself
And I found a few places in the world where I can actually feel the power of nature around me; where I feel at home.
I’ve been to Phillip Island for something like 10 days now, and I feel like I’ll be homesick when I’ll get back to Italy, because somehow I feel like I belong here. I work with people who truly respect nature, who collect other people’ s litter when they spot it on their way. Now tell me, how many people like these have you met in your lifetime?
If I had an orchard, I’d work till I’m raw
If I had an orchard, I’d work till I’m sore
Sometimes I feel tired of the competitiveness at work, the wait in the traffic jams, the different readings of an email. Couldn’t it all be simpler? Is it all worth it, in the end?
But most of all: am I experiencing a premature mid-life crisis? I don’t know. But there’s one thing I know for sure, dear Island:
And I know, I know you will keep me on the shelf
I’ll come back to you someday soon, you will see
Ogni mattina apro la tua pagina per leggere gli aggiornamenti e mi dispiace un sacco perché so che quando tornerai qui avrai peggio del mal d’Africa. Però sono anche contenta, resto contenta per te finché sei lì, perché al ritorno ci penserai quando tornerai, e quindi ora goditi il tuo mondo.
grazie grazie grazie Frenci, faro’ del mio meglio per concentrarmi sul presente…e non sul futuro!
I know what you feel, I discover the real mean of the life when I became a mother, everything around you changes and you perfectly know what it’s no important at all.
Sogno di andare in Australia da quando so che esiste questo paese, ne sono affascinata nonostante ne sappia ancora così poco, sarei dovuta andarci in viaggio di nozze, ma… Posso solo lontanamente immaginare come sarà andare via di là… GODITELA finchè ci sei, ruba più che puoi dello spirito magico di quella terra e fallo tuo, riuscirai poi a portartelo ovunque..!
grazie Vale! il rientro come immaginavo è stato duro ma spero davvero di tenere sempre con me lo spirito australiano, proprio come dici tu!